【中文摘要】 传统的思想品德课教学内容枯燥、教学形式单一、教学手段简单,自然学生没有学习的兴趣。新课改后,思想品德课教材内容更加贴近学生的实际生活,更加注重学生学习过程中的情感体验,学生的学习兴趣又重新燃起,我们教师如何保护好学生的学习热情,使他们获得更多收益呢?本人认为情境教学是很适合的教学模式,本文从四个方面展开论述:情境教学的含义;情境教学理论依据;在课堂教学中创设音乐情境、故事情境、多媒体情境、名言情境、竞赛情境、角色扮演换位思考情境等多种情境,以及在情境教学中思想品德教师应注意的问题。在思想品德课堂教学实践中,运用多种教学情境,激发了学生的学习热情,开拓了学生的思维,培养了学生解决问题的能力和与人合作的能力。在学习中注重学生的情感体验,以情育情,以情激情,以情导行,层层深入,环环紧扣,从而产生良好的教学效果。基本做到了教学面向了全体学生,他们积极参与学习,课堂气氛活跃,在活动中知识得到深化,情感得到升华。思想品德课逐渐成为受学生欢迎的学科。
【英文摘要】 Traditional ideological and moral teaching is boring , teaching form and means of teaching are single and simple . Of course, students are not interested in learning. After the new curriculum reform, the ideological and moral teaching materials are much closer to the actual life of the students, It emphasises more in the process of emotional experience while students are learning. The students rekindled interest in learning once more. Teachers also began to think how to protect our studentsˊlearning enthusiasm and help them gain more. I think the situation teaching method is very suitable, This paper explained in four points: First, the meaning of situational teaching; Second, theoretical basic of situational teaching; Third, try to teach in different ways in the creation of context .We can use story context, multimedia context, saying situations, contest situations, the role of transposition play situations and other situational thinking. Fourth, the problems that teachers should pay attention to in the context of ideological and moral education. In the ideological and moral teaching practice, teacher use of a variety of teaching situations, to arouse the enthusiasm of students try to the help the students develop the thinking, problem-solving skills and ability to cooperate with others. In the studies, students focus on the emotional experience to the situation sterile conditions, with feelings of passion, guided by intelligence. So that the teaching can get a good result. Our purpose is to face all the students, to make them participate in learning actively. Also, the active classroom atmosphere in the campaign is good to deepen knowledge sublimate their emotion. Weˊll try our best to make ideological and moral lessons become a studentsˊ welcomed subjects.
【中文关键词】 初中思想品德课; 情境教学; 理论依据; 具体实施; 注意问题
【英文关键词】 Junior ideological and moral lesson; Situational teaching; Theoretical basis; Specific implementation; Attention to the problem
中文摘要 6-7
引言 7
一、情境教学的含义 7-8
二、情境教学的理论依据 8-10
(一) 情感和认知活动相互作用的原理 8-9
(二) 认识直观暗示倾向原理 9
(三) 角色转换思维的相似原理 9
(四) 心理场整合原理 9-10
三、思想品德课中实施情境教学的必要性 10-11
(一) 思想品德课实施情境教学符合初中生心理发展的特征 10-11
(二) 思想品德课中实施情境教学是新课程改革的需要 11
四、初中思想品德课情境教学的具体实施 11-18
(一) 创设音乐情境 12-13
(二) 利用多媒体创设教学情境 13-14
(三) 巧用名言,创设情境 14-15
(四) 创设竞赛情境 15
(五) 生动讲述,创设故事情境 15-16
(六) 角色扮演,学会换位思考 16-18
五、情境教学中思想品德教师应注意的问题 18-23
(一) 教学情境的引入要有针对性 18
(二) 情境设计要多样、新颖,调动学生的兴趣 18-19
(三) 情境教学要注重回归生活,能引起学生兴趣 19
(四) 情境教学中思想品德教师要更新教育观念,突出学生的主体地位 19-21
(五) 思想品德课实施情境教学中注意实现“双基”目标 21-23
附录 23-26
结束语 26-27
英文摘要 27
注释 28-29
参考文献 29-30
致谢 30
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