查字典政治网> 政治教学> 教学论文> 大众传播与高校思想政治教育


查字典政治网 2016-06-06

【中文摘要】 传播是人类社会的一种普遍现象,大众传播是传播发展的一个阶段;思想政治教育是传播的一种综合形式,高校思想政治教育是思想政治教育的一种具体表现形式。当前,报刊、杂志、电视、网络等为媒介的大众传播的发展,犹如一种无形的大网,网罩着整个社会,广泛而深刻的影响着社会的各个方面。与其他所有事物一样,大众传播也是一把双刃剑,在带给现代社会极大便利何愉悦的同时,它的负面影响也逐渐渗透到社会的各个角落,并给社会带来了意想不到的危害和挑战。其中,对高校思想政治教育的影响尤为明显和强烈。当前有关大学生不当言论和行为的事件频频见睹报端,诸如行为失范、缺乏道德感、理想信念丧失等等令全社会关注的现象。客观的说,以上现象的发生有非常复杂的原因,但我们仔细分析探究就会发现,大众传播对高校思想政治教育的“入侵”和消解“功不可没”,这就提出了高校如何大众传播的的挑战,增强教育时效性的问题。这个问题也引起了党和政府的高度重视,邓小平、江泽民和胡锦涛等领导人多次在不同场合多次强调了利用大众传播,切实加强思想政治教育的问题。例如,2006年6月,江泽民在《在中央思想政治工作会议上的讲话》,胡锦涛《加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设》的讲话,国务院的《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》等。以上都是新时期党和政府从战略高度做出的重大理论论述和重要战略决策,对于高校搞好思想政治教育具有重大的理论指导意义。面对大众传播的挑战,高校思想政治教育面对着如何更充分的发挥自身的优势,成功应对,切实增强实效呢。这就是本文研究的出发点和落脚点,也是本文研究的核心所在。就整体而言,本文通过三大部分即大众传播与高校思想政治教育的详细关系;大众传播对高校思想政治的影响;高校思想政治教育的应对措施,争取全面而深刻的分析两者的复杂关系,同时结合国内外的实际,创造性的提出可行性、可操作性、针对性和实效性俱佳的解决措施和方法。本文就此提出了四条措施,即完善高校思想政治教育的各环节,有效利用大众传播为我服务;大众传播应将强管理和自律;高校应大力加强学生媒介素养教育,增强学生抵抗力;开展和完善高校网络思想政治教育。这也是本文的亮点和中心所在。本文的创新点在于将高校思想政治教育归入传播的范畴,这就将其与大众传播放在了同一个平台之上,具有了可比性。同时,又具体考查大众传播和高校思想政治教育所属的发展阶段,即大众传播是传播发展的高级阶段,高校思想政治教育是内向传播、人际传播、组织传播和大众传播的组合体。接着就从传播的“四要素”,即传播者、传播内容、传播媒介和传播对象的角度具体探析两者之间的关系。并从这个角度进而探讨其它相关问题。本文所探讨的问题具有很强的现实性,力争从一个全新的角度对所探讨的问题提出创新性的解决措施,相信本文对解决当前所面临的大众传播和高校思想政治教育的矛盾问题,会具有具有一定的参考价值

【英文摘要】 Dissemination of human society is a universal phenomenon,the mass media is one of the stages of communication development;Ideological and political education are the dissemination of an integrated form of ideological and political education are ideological and political education of a specific form of expression.At present,newspapers,magazines,television,media networks for the development of mass communication,as if an invisible network,network covered the entire community, extensive and profound impact on all aspects of society.Like all other things,the mass media is a double-edged sword, in modern society has brought great joy to facilitate the DR, while the negative impact it has gradually penetrated into every corner of society,and brought to the society unexpected hazards and challenges.One of the ideological and political education and the impact is particularly strong.Current University Students inappropriate remarks and behavior,see the case again to see the newspapers,such as acts of anomie, the lack of morality,the loss of ideals and beliefs and so on make the whole situation of social concern.An objective that has happened over the situation very complicated,but careful analysis of our inquiry will find that the mass of the Ideological and Political Education in the“invasion”and remove“small”,which made the mass media on how colleges and universities The challenges,enhance the timeliness of the problem of education.This problem also caused the party and government attach great importance to Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao and other leaders have repeatedly stressed on various occasions,the use of mass media,and effectively strengthen ideological and political education.For example, in June 2006,Jiang Zemin“at a central work conference on ideological and political speech,”Hu Jintao“to strengthen and improve ideological and moral construction of minors”speech,the State Council's“on the further strengthening and improving ideological and political education views”and so on.All of the above party and the government made from a strategic perspective on the major theoretical and an important strategic decision-making,for colleges end universities do a good job of ideological and political education is of great guiding significance for the theory.Faced with the challenge of mass communication,the face of ideological and political education in colleges and universities how to play to their full advantage,the successful response,and effectively enhance the effectiveness of it.This is the starting point of this paper and the end result,but also the core of this paper.On the whole,most of this paper that the three mass ideological and political education and the detailed relationship;the mass of the impact of ideological and political;Ideological and Political Education in the response measures for a comprehensive and profound analysis of the complex relationship between the two At the same time,at home and abroad and the practical,creative feasibility,feasibility, relevance and effectiveness of superior solutions and methods. This paper put forward four measures,namely,ideological and political education to improve the various aspects of effective use of mass media for my services;the mass media should be strong and self-management;colleges and universities should enhance media education students,and enhance the resistance of students;the development and improve the network of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.This is the highlight of this article and the center.Innovation of this article is to ideological and political education under the scope of dissemination,which will be its relationship with the mass media on the same platform,with a comparabl

e.At the same time,the mass media to examine the specific ideological and political education and their stage of development,that is,are the mass dissemination of the advanced stage of development, ideological and political education in colleges and universities are within the communication,interpersonal communication,organizational communication and mass media combinations.Then from the spread of the“four elements”, that is,communicators,communication content,the media and the dissemination of the specific point of view of the object relationship between the two.And from this perspective to explore other relevant issues.Questions explored in this paper has a strong reality, and strive to from a new perspective to explore the question of the innovative solutions put forward,we believe this paper to solve the current face of the mass media and the ideological and Political Education in the conflict problem,will havea certain reference value.

【中文关键词】 传播; 大众传播; 思想政治教育; 高校思想政治教育

【英文关键词】Dissemination; mass media; Ideological and political education

中文摘要 6-8

Abstract 8-11

导论 12-17

一、问题的提出及选题研究意义 12-13

二、相关研究现状 13-15

三、本文研究方法 15-17

一、大众传播与高校思想政治教育的相互关系 17-23

(一) 大众传播与高校思想政治教育的内涵 17

(二) 大众传播与高校思想政治教育关系 17-23

1.大众传播与高校思想政治教育范畴关系分析 17-18

2.大众传播与高校思想政治教育目的关系分析 18-20

3.大众传播与高校思想政治教育机制关系分析 20-21

4.大众传播与高校思想政治教育实效性分析 21-23

三、大众传播对高校思想政治教育的影响 23-34

(一) 大众传播内容、媒介对高校思想政治教育介体的影响 23-26

(二) 大众传播内容对高校思想政治教育客体的影响 26-31

(三) 大众传播虚拟环境对高校思想政治教育环体的影响 31-34

三、面对挑战——高校思想政治教育增强实效的路径探析 34-56

(一) 完善高校思想政治教育各环节的功能 34-47

1.提高高校思想政治教育者的水平 教育育人 34-39

2.增强各类介体对学生的吸引力 服务育人 39-44

3.研究客体的身心成长规律 科学育人 44-45

4.改善学校各类环境 环境育人 45-47

(二) 高校积极利用大众传播 抑制其消极影响 47-48

1.高校思想政治教育应坚持开放性原则 47-48

2.强化高校思想政治教育者利用大众传媒的观念和能力 48

(三) 加强高校媒介素养教育 48-51

1.媒介素养教育的含义及实践考察 48-49

2.高校进行媒介素养教育的必要性 49

3.实施媒介素养教育的方法与途径 49-51

(四) 加强高校网络思想政治教育 51-56

1.加强高校网络思想政治教育的必要性 51-52

2.校网络思想政治教育存在的问题 52-53

3.加强和改进高校网络思想政治教育的对策 53-55

4.其它大众传播形式的利用 55-56

结语 56-57

后记 57-58

注释 58-60

参考文献 60-62

攻读学位期间发表的学术论着 62











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