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查字典政治网 2016-06-06


【英文标题】The Study of Ideological and Political Education in College on the Internet Environment

【作者】郭倩倩 【导师】苑世强


【中文摘要】 随着网络在我国的普及和发展,网络所传递的信息对大学生学习、生活和思想观念产生了深刻的影响;同时也给高校思想政治教育工作带来了新的机遇和严峻的挑战,如何应对网络对大学生及高校思想政治教育的影响,加强网络环境下的高校思想政治教育工作,是新时期高校思想政治教育面临的重要课题。本文包括引言在内共有五部分。引言简要对研究现状、研究意义、研究内容与方法进行了阐释。本文第一部分主要对高校思想政治教育网络环境的涵义及特征进行了阐述,并且探讨了互联网环境下进行高校思想政治教育的意义。第二部分从总体上探讨了本文所依据的理论基础,包括人的思想品德形成与发展过程及其规律,唯物辩证法,思想政治教育环境理论三方面内容。第三,四部分具体阐述了网络环境现状对高校思想政治教育带来的机遇与挑战。网络为高校学生思想政治教育的开展提供了现代化的手段和载体,丰富了高校学生思想政治教育的内容,提高了高校学生思想政治教育的针对性,促进了高校学生思想政治教育的社会化,并且为高校学生思想政治教育提供了一种新的教育方式。但同时,对高校思想政治教育提出了一定的挑战,包括对传统教育主体权威的挑战,对高校思想政治教育对象——大学生造成了一定的...更多负面影响,对高校思想政治教育内容造成一定冲击,并且对传统的高校思想政治教育方法提出了挑战。最后针对存在的问题,提出了网络环境下高校思想政治教育的思考与对策,包括适应信息时代的发展要求,树立正确的网络教育观,主动占领网上思想政治教育的新阵地,满足大学生的思想要求,充分利用网络和学生的特点,发挥学生的主体性作用,加强网络道德教育,完善网络管理机制等对策。

【英文摘要】 With the popularity and development of internet in China,the life of college students has changed a lot,such as their study,their daily life or their ideas.It also has brought new opportunities and serious challenges to the ideological and political education.How to deal with the affects of internct and to carry on ideological and political education work effectively is the most important issue facing in the new period.This article includes a total of five parts,including the introduction.The introduction briefly elaborated the status quo of research and the significance of study and research methods.The first part of the paper told us the meaning and characters of the network environment of ideological and political education in colleges and the significance of carrying on ideological and political education in the network environment.The second part of this article is based on the theoretical foundation, including person's ideological and moral formation and development process and t...更多he law of materialist dialectics,the environment theory of ideological and political education three aspects.The third and fourth parts specificly state the opportunities and challenges of the environment on the ideological and political education.The internet has provided the means of modernization and enriched the contents of the ideological and political education and improved the styles of education.But meanwhile,it also has raised a certain amount of challenges,including the challenges to the traditional authority of education,the negative impact to the college students and the lash to the education content.At the same time,the Ideological and political education needs of improvement of methods in urgent.Finally,the paper provides some suggestions to the problem existed,such as,establishing a correct outlook on education to adapt to the requirements of the network,taking the initiative to the occupation of the ideological and political education's new online positions to meet the ideological requirements of college students,playing the main role of students with the characteristicsof network and students,strengthening the construction of online moral education,improving the management of network and some other suggestions.

【中文关键词】 网络; 高校思想政治教育; 环境

【英文关键词】 Internet; Ideological and political education in college; environment













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