查字典政治网> 政治教学> 教学论文> 宗教信仰大学生的心理幸福感及其影响


查字典政治网 2016-06-06

【中文摘要】 本研究探讨了自我和谐、人际信任对心理幸福感的影响。从有无宗教信仰的角度去探索影响大学生自我和谐、人际信任和心理幸福感的因素,这样有利于高校管理者采取有效措施促进大学生的心理健康,增进大学生和谐发展和人际信任,提高大学生的心理幸福感。本研究采用问卷调查法,向5所高校发放问卷500份,并对其中30名被试进行访谈。运用相关分析和构建结构方程模型的方法探讨了自变量的各因子与心理幸福感的关系,得出以下结论:(1)有无宗教信仰大学生的自我刻板性差异显着,男女大学生的自我刻板性有显着差异,大一、大三、大四学生的自我刻板性差异显着,不同专业大学生的自我与经验的不和谐上有显着差异,不同生源大学生的自我灵活性差异显着。(2)不同性别大学生的愤世嫉俗存在显着差异,是否独生子女大学生的人际信任存在差异。(3)有无信仰大学生的心理幸福感及良好关系、个人成长、生活目标各因子有差异,不同生源大学生的自主性有一定差异,不同专业大学生的良好关系有差异,不同性别大学生的心理幸福感及良好关系、个人成长两因子有差异。(4)大学生自我和谐及其自我与经验的不和谐、自我刻板性因子与心理幸福感总分及良好关系、掌控环境、个人成长、生活目标、自我接纳五因子显着负相关,自我与经验的不和谐与自主性显着负相关;自我灵活性与心理幸福感及其良好关系、自主性、掌控环境、个人成长、生活目标、自我接纳六因子显着正相关。(5)大学生自我和谐及其自我刻板性因子与人际信任正相关,其中自我与经验的不和谐、自我灵活性与愤世嫉俗因子负相关,与值得信任正相关;自我与经验的不和谐与人际信任负相关;自我刻板性与愤世嫉俗正相关。(6)大学生人际信任与自主性因子负相关;愤世嫉俗与心理幸福感及其良好关系、自主性、掌控环境、个人成长、生活目标、自我接纳六因子显着负相关;值得信任与心理幸福感及其良好关系、自主性、掌控环境、个人成长、生活目标、自我接纳六因子显着正相关。(7)自我刻板性、自我与经验的不和谐、愤世嫉俗、宗教信仰与心理幸福感负相关,自我灵活性与心理幸福感正相关,而且愤世嫉俗、宗教信仰在自我刻板性、自我与经验的不和谐、自我灵活性及心理幸福感之间有显着的中介作用。质性研究结果显示:宗教信仰大学生总体生活感受主要表现在心理健康水平提高、心理幸福感增强。

【英文摘要】 This study investigated the self-consistency and congruence,and interpersonal trust on the influence of psychological well-being.The objective of this study was to explore the factor of the self-consistency and congruence,and interpersonal trust and psychological well-being of university students from the perspective of having religious beliefs or not,and to help college administrators to take effective measures to promote the mental health of college students,and to enhance harmonious development and interpersonal trust among college students and to improve the psychological well-being of university students.This study used the method of conducting a survey,investigating 500 university students of five universities,and interviewing 30 university students.This study discussed the relationship between the psychological well-being and the factor of independent variables by the method of correlation analysis and construction of structural model.The conclusions were as follows:(1) There is significant difference in selves' hardness of university students in terms of religious belief.Male and female university students are significantly different in selves' hardness.Freshman,junior and senior university students are significant difference in selves' hardness.University students of different majors are significantly different in non-harmony between themselves and experience.Urban and rural university students are significant difference in selves' flexibility.(2) Male and female university students are significantly different in cynicism.Whether university student is only child or not are different in interpersonal trust.(3) Whether college student has religious beliefs or not are different in psychological well-being,positive relations with others,personal growth,purpose in life.Urban and rural university students are significantly different in autonomy.Different major university students are significantly different in positive relations with others.Male and female university students have a significant difference in psychological well-being,positive relations with others,personal growth.(4) Self-consistency and congruence,non-harmony between themselves and experience, selves' hardness of university students are obviously negatively correlated with psychological well-being,positive relations with others,environmental marstery,personal growth,purpose in life,self-acceptance.Non-harmony between themselves and experience has a significant negative correlation with autonomy.Selves' flexibility is significantly positively correlated with psychological well-being,positive relations with others,environmental marstery,personal growth,purpose in life,self-acceptance,autonomy.(5) Self-consistency and congruence,selves' hardness of college students are positively correlated with interpersonal trust,non-harmony between themselves and experience,selves' flexibility are negatively correlated with cynicism,and positively correlated with trust worthiness.Non-harmony between themselves and experience is negatively correlated with interpersonal trust.Selves' hardness is positively correlated with cynicism.(6)Interpersonal trust of university students is negatively correlated with autonomy. Cynicism has a significantly negative correlation with psychological well-being,positive relations with others,environmental marstery,personal growth,purpose in life,self-acceptance, autonomy.Trust worthiness has a significantly positive correlation with psychological well-being, positive relations with others,environmental marstery,personal growth,purpose in life, self-acceptance,autonomy.(7) Non-harmony between themselves and experience,selves' hardness,cynicism,religious belief are negatively correlated with psychological well-being.Self flexibility has a significantly positive correlation with psychological well-being.Cynicism,religious belief have significantly mediating effect between non-harmony between themselves and experience,selves' hardness, selv

es' flexibility and psychological well-being.Qualitative research results show:in the level of overall life feelings,mental health of r eligious university students improvde,psychological well-being of religious university students enhanced.

【中文关键词】 宗教信仰; 心理幸福感; 自我和谐; 人际信任; 样版分析

【英文关键词】 religious belief; psychological well-being; self-consistency and congruence; interpersonal trust; template analysis


摘要 3-4

Abstract 4-5

第一部分 问题的提出 8-9

1 研究背景 8-9

2 研究目的 9

3 研究的难点与创新点 9

第二部分 文献综述 9-16

1 有关心理幸福感的研究 9-13

1.1 幸福感的理论模型 10-11

1.2 心理幸福感 11-12

1.3 有关宗教信仰者幸福感的研究 12-13

自我和谐 13-15

2.1 自我和谐的定义 13

2.2 自我和谐的测量 13

2.3 有关自我和谐的实证研究 13-15

3 人际信任 15-16

3.1 人际信任的定义 15

3.2 人际信任的研究现状 15-16

4 宗教信仰 16

第三部分 研究设计 16-17

1 确认研究主题和研究方向 16-17

2 文献收集整理与分析 17

3 提出研究假设 17

4 问卷调查、回收及数据录入 17

5 问卷信息的统计分析、质性材料样版分析 17

6 对研究结论描述、解释并提出对策建议 17

研究一 宗教信仰大学生心理幸福感的量化研究 17-27

1 研究目的 17

2 研究假设 17-18

3 研究对象和方法 18

3.1 描述性统计分析 18

3.2 信度分析 18

3.3 方差分析 18

3.4 相关分析 18

3.5 路径分析 18

4 研究工具 18-19

4.1 自我和谐量表 18

4.2 人际信任量表 18-19

4.3 心理幸福感量表 19

5 研究结果 19-27

5.1 信度分析 19

5.2 有无宗教信仰大学生心理幸福感及其影响因素的基本情况 19-20

5.3 有无宗教信仰大学生心理幸福感及其影响因素的差异检验 20-23

5.4 有无宗教信仰大学生心理幸福感及其影响因素的相关分析 23-25

5.5 宗教信仰大学生心理幸福感及其影响因素的结构方程模型 25-27

研究二 宗教信任大学生心理幸福感及其影响因素的质性研究 27-32

1 研究目的 27

2 研究方法 27-28

3 研究工具 28

4 资料分析 28

5 结果与讨论 28-32

第四部分 综合讨论 32-40

1 讨论 32-36

1.1 有无宗教信仰大学生心理幸福感及其影响因素的差异探讨 32-34

1.2 自我和谐、人际信任与心理幸福感的关系探讨 34-35

1.3 宗教信仰大学生心理幸福感及其影响因素的结构方程模型探讨 35-36

1.4 质性研究的价值和反思 36

2 结论 36-37

3 建议 37-38

4 研究贡献与不足 38-40

4.1 贡献 38-39

4.2 研究不足 39-40

参考文献 40-44

附录 44-49

在校期间发表的学术论文 49-50

致谢 50









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